Thought’s that crossed my mind while driving and listening to music…
I warned ya…
If this sounds like you…I don’t care.
Ladies, do the planet a favor.
Put your war paint on before you get behind the wheel.
Don’t tie up traffic driving in the middle lane 20 mph slower than the rest of the world putting on eyeliner. (You have no idea how many people were hoping you’d roll over a bump…)
Deep in conversation are we? Here’s a tip: Shut the Hell up! It’s obvious to the rest of us you cannot operate a vehicle properly with your mouth open. So please we beg you. Shut the hell up!
Dude, she piss you off that much? Drive over there and let her know! Don’t yell over the cell phone stompin the brake pedal to make your point. See that really big truck in your mirror? Sooner or later that driver is gonna say “Oops.” You idiot.
Oh and by the way. I didn’t know we were racing. Did you seriously believe that your 22″ wheeled whatever you wanna call it (but used to be a 1973 Buick Century) could hang with a V12 BMW 850 CI on that curve? Seriously, really? I was trying to get the heck away from your wobbly non-driving ass. Just knew that thing would tip over any second…
And you in the black Impala. Get a map. Know where you’re going before you leave okay? That 3 lane change you pulled this afternoon nearly wiped out the rest of us. I want to get there. Since you seem not to, why bother leaving in the first place.
And to the rest of you … Keep on Truckin’ (Eddie Kendricks…nice cut.)
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