- Image by Premshree Pillai via Flickr
Things have been happening. Drove to Miami. Friend and I were to drop into some of the WMC functions. He wasn’t feeling too good so we canceled out. Drove back and I got sick!! Some kinda bug going around. Feeling a tad better now tho’. Pushing up a new set to start this afternoon so tune in.
This set is the so called “B” side set. Back when vinyl was the main method of pushing sound out to the masses the record “they” wanted you to hear was on the “A” side and most often the so called filler was on the “B” side. Ironically a number of times the “B” side was the real keeper. Well this latest set is a 4hr mix of music that contains a number of so called “B” side surprises. I dare you to pick them out.
I had second thoughts about the store. I am looking for a new supplier of goodies for those of you looking to pick up WBPM NetRADIO gear. If you know anyone email dj@wbpmnetradio.com . You might get an official T-Shirt. If you want to see some of the latest designs check out the link below. Gotta run, I am supposed to be passing out biz cards for my web design business!