Wow…pt.2 goes like this…
I get an email with a link to an article about what I posted recently here and it turns out very interesting indeed. So after all of the fuss it seems that Sprint put the word out to the OEMS to get that software off of the devices a.s.a.p.
Looks like the uproar created by the guy who exposed the logging software got through to the right people. Now I wonder if the rest of the cell carriers will follow suit with their gear…. (more here)
I just want to wish all of you out there the safest holiday that can be had. Get with the family and friends and have a good time. Just don’t let me have to catch you on “World’s Craziest Sh*t To Happen Caught on Video” on some cable channel okay?
And for those of you out there who have to work during the season…quit your beefin’ You know what I’m talking about!
All the best to each of you and here’s hoping 2012 is the end of the b.s. and the start of the good groove for you and me both!
Remember, if it’s a real tree water that bad boy! And don’t forget to unplug the lights at night. If no one is up looking at it, why run up the light bill right? All it takes is a spark and a dry Christmas tree can toast an entire house before you have a chance to say “Oh Sh–!!!!!!!!!”
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